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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Saturday, 11 June 2005
Topic: Stephen Says
Yes, yes, yes at long last we saw it! And yeah, it rocked. Almost too much of a movie to take in in one viewing. And if you haven't seen all three season (plus special), then you'll probably find yourself just sitting there wondering when they'll get around to telling a joke.

Click here you bums who have high speed/ broadband internet for more weirdness.

It's one of these weird films that both Elisabeth and I would happily go back to the theatre to see a second time. It's a terrible shame that there's pretty much a 0% chance of the movie (let alone the show) getting released in North America.

Bring on December! E&I have already booked tickes to see The League's Christmas show...

"Look! I made a brown fish."

Posted by oz/rexcats at 10:50 AM BST
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Thursday, 16 June 2005 - 3:43 PM BST

Name: Sean

Somehow I dont think that movie is going to be shown in Canada.

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