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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Thursday, 16 June 2005
The Cotton Anniversary
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
Since this past Tuesday, Stephen & I have been married for 2 years!!

And only after 2 years of marriage have we begun to do anything close to a honeymoon...(we had no money in Paris...)

We booked at got a good deal on a 5 star hotel deluxe room with a river view.

And on closer inspection:

In short, the view was stunning. Especially at night...cor blimey govna'

When we arrived, the room was not ready. But the hotel gave us a sign that our marriage was truly meant to be: complementary drinks at the bar....And what a bar! There was a quiet garden with heating lamps (and yes, we needed them) a trickling fountain, flowers, etc... very relaxing. And relax we did with the help of Organic chardonnay & Jack Daniels. Bliss.

Once the room was ready we were hungry & left to walk through the tourist infested streets of covent garden & soho. We found a laid-back place called Soho Pizzeria (I wonder why this caught Stephen's eye). We ate pizzas to rival that of Don Benis (sorry Mr. Beni...).

Afterwords, we felt we had cultured ourselves enough, and reverted back into our chav-y ways and went to Tescos to buy cheap Cuvee, wine and cookies.

Back at the hotel we watched TV (a big night out, we know, we know!). I saw Big Brother for the first time. Who Wants to Be A Millionaire was also just the ticket. So we drank cheap wine & ate cookies in bed watching the boob romatic are we??

In the morning Stephen made and drank every complementary tea & coffee. Yes, even the was such a fancy coffee maker. Very hard to resist.

We then walked to a much more peaceful & deserted Covent Garden for breakfast, where we found a little terraced joint called the Rock Garden. Service was slow, but it was the best English breakfast we'd had.

After strolling through the streets, we ended up at the Saatchi gallery, and actually paid to go inside. Big mistake...all the art seemed hyped to make you think "gosh, how disturbing..." But after being married to a man who has perfected the art of drawing disturbing monsters and people, nothing Saatchi had to offer could compare with what's drawn on our pink table. That is, except for a room half-filled with engine oil. You have to read a warning before you enter, and there is a steel runway with walls that come up to your chest that are holding back the oil. Very cool, and very smelly.

But just to prove that our weekend was indeed exceptional, here is a picture of...OH MY GOD!!! IS THAT A BLUE SKY IN LONDON???!!!

Posted by oz/rexcats at 8:22 PM BST
Updated: Thursday, 16 June 2005 8:50 PM BST
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Friday, 17 June 2005 - 5:17 PM BST

Name: Sean

Wow. I dont know what is more impressive. That you two actually got a fancy night in london, in an impressive hotel, and got to spent money.
or.... that you actually posted the pictures without intense nagging from the bloggers!

Where/when is the next night out?

Saturday, 18 June 2005 - 4:19 PM BST

Name: Stephen

It comes when I don't have to do two 30 hour shifts in a single week.

V. tired. Will blog eventually, I swear. And make it worth while.

Monday, 20 June 2005 - 5:10 AM BST

Name: jc

hooray for pictures! and actual nights out! and time in london. fun stuff.


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