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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Monday, 20 June 2005
Just some stuff
Now Playing: the clatter of the train, the um of the fan, the fat blow-hard on the radio ranting in his wheezy, flinty voice
Topic: Stephen Says
You know, I really should type ‘light blogging for the next few days’ at the top of every blog entry that I do, because that usually means that there will be some actual blogging going on, instead of dead silence. So, um, anyway, light blogging over the next few days – Very busy over here.

Over on my end of the stick, I’m still really enjoying my job. Now that the inspection is over and the various problems with residents is over, it’s actually quite relaxing: Giving out medication, chatting to people, organizing activities, blah, blah, blah. By my figuring, I’m working 5 weeks in terms of hours for every four weeks of actual time. Make sense? The main problem is the degree to which we’re massively understaffed but the amount of freely available overtime is very nice for my wallet as we’ll should be able to get out of debt almost as quickly as Elisabeth is building it up. And yeah, she will kill me for that comment but, Jesus, do you know how much that piano cost?!?

As for England, well, it’s hot. But I won’t complain, since I understand that Mtl & T-dot are, of course, much hotter and much more humid (Show offs!). The significant advancement in my overall maturity is that I’ve gone & bought myself shorts. Willingly. Happily without argument. The big test is today when I hit Guildford for a new pair of shoes. Baby steps. Baby steps.

Anywho, it’s my day off & I’m only starting my second cup of coffee (I need 3 to function at above 75% capacity) so I’m not fully together. Hoping that there’s a long promised thunderstorm soon so that the humidity will be cut. I’m slowly melting. Oh, and light blogging for the next few days – Very busy over here.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 9:07 AM BST
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Tuesday, 21 June 2005 - 12:53 AM BST

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