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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Wednesday, 22 June 2005
just stuff
Now Playing: Elisabeth playing the piano
Topic: Stephen Says
You know, I'd blog a heck of alot more if I wasn't working 13 hour days. Like the one I did today. Or the one I'm going to do tomorrow. Or the one I did before. And the one I'm going to do after.

E took a header off her bike by the canal today and has some terribly sexy road rash on her arms & palms and her thigh is turning, oh, lets say... mauve. It'll be black this time tomorrow.

So, like the Fraggles, we're drinking our cares away. Well, sorta like the Fraggles.

Busy, busy, busy, light blogging, etc...

PS- according to Angelfire's top 100 blogs, we're #5. Got figure. That means that there are 5 people even lamer than us and 20,000,000 less lame. LiveJournal, Eff-off. At least until we need you, that is.


Posted by oz/rexcats at 11:15 PM BST
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Wednesday, 22 June 2005 - 11:44 PM BST

Name: jc

YOU WISH livejournal would eff off.


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