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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Saturday, 25 June 2005
Pooped no more
Now Playing: Elisabeth doing Chopin
Topic: Stephen Says
Yummy, yummy, dinner was pretty fantastic last night. The new place is no Don Bennis but it had a 'band' (two guys and a drum machine) playing italian songs mixed in with the occasional 'classic'. Yes, they did sing Layla.

We picked up some wine on the way home and planned to just chill out & watch Mash but I wound up asleep with my head in Elisabeth's lap.

There's a bunch of new guys living below us. E figures they're just-graduated students. Crappy pop music, masquerading as alternative gets played loudly, lots of joints getting smoked in the evening, etc. At least they're not like Yobbo & his girl or Y.I.T. and his vaious pregnant girlfriends. That, we would not be able to take. Elisabeth's started screaming out the window at them. Students living below us is amusing and reminds us that yes, some people around here know how to relax in a way that is not loud, obnoxious and public. Let's hear it for pot-heads!

Hey nonny no, it's off to see Sin City we go.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 10:43 AM BST
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Saturday, 25 June 2005 - 4:41 PM BST

Name: Sean

How did you like Sin City?

Sunday, 26 June 2005 - 9:21 AM BST

Name: Stephen

I did but it was weird knowing exactly what was going to happen (Even what it would look like) and then seeing that exact thing. Knowing the comics so well meant that there wasn't any suspense so it was weird. Elisabeth really liked it, so it's just me getting confused be having my cake & eating it too.

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