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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Sunday, 26 June 2005
Canal Tribute
Mood:  hungry
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
I think Stephen has said enough on the cinema topic, so I instead want to post a few canal pictures, b/c frankly the canal is beautiful in spring. I failed to capture the 1/4 mile blanket of purple rhododenrons, which shed their petals into the water, making me half expect to see Sebastian and the Little Mermaid cutting through the water on the way to sing "Kiss De Girl" (if you don't know what I'm talking about, you're not missing anyting).

In addition to the new flowers, there are also new water fowl:

I used to love to see Herons standing on the tow path staring into the water, until I learned that they are looking for little duckies and ugly swanling to snatch & kill.

I think this one section of the canal is not used very much. Actually now that I think about it, it's not surprising the canal boats are chosing NOT to come to Woking Town. But the result of the heat + the locks never opening, results in this miracle of nature:

And finally, just messing around with photo editor:

Well Stephen is just finishing an evening shift, and so another working week begins...expect that I am taking holidy Wed/Thurs/Fri & next Mon/Tues. so I will have LOTS of TIME for BLOGGING!

I hope our dear readers have also made exciting summer holiday plans.

Oh, and nb: Stephen graduates and becomes an MA on 13 July, but due to the Uni's lack of communication re: the ceremony & that it will cost lots of $$ & that ROYAL HOLLOWAY IS A BUSINESS & NOT A REAL ACADEMIC INSTITUTION, means that it will be humiliating to participate in that charade, alongside narrowminded greedy, lazy, and selfish professors.

Ok.....god it feels good to rant... Ok, but instead we are having an alternative celebration, seeing as it's also my birthday...but exactly HOW we will spend the day is still a secret from Stephen, shhhhh

Posted by oz/rexcats at 9:17 PM BST
Updated: Sunday, 26 June 2005 9:25 PM BST
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Sunday, 26 June 2005 - 9:40 PM BST

Name: Stephen

You don't even know what the secret's gonna be.

Sunday, 3 July 2005 - 6:30 PM BST

Name: Enrico Yu
Home Page: http://boring@boring.boring

These photos are cool!

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