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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Thursday, 30 June 2005
I survived, but almost
Topic: Stephen Says
Whhops! Went out drinkin' with the fellow co-workers and m'wife. Cut the top of my head, perhaps a concussion. Badly bruised shoulder, sore lower back, a large piece of fence that I broke with my groin. I wasn't the one who puked, though.

Oh, and we've got some brand new shot glasses.

Elisabeth, just recovering from her previous biking injuriesnow has re-sprained her wrist & has some fresh cuts up and down her arm. She wasn't the one who almost biked into the canal, though.

It all ended up at karaoke and Elisabeth doesn't even remember it. But we sang songs, though.

Now I gotta go into work early because the only person who showed up this morning is the puker who went home early. >sigh<

Posted by oz/rexcats at 10:41 AM BST
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