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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Friday, 1 July 2005
Happy Canada Day eh?
Mood:  celebratory
Now Playing: The Beeb
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
We did it! We did it!! We've booked our tickets to Canada!!! FINALLY!!! Look out for us on September 16th in Montreal...and we will depart from Toronto on 29th September. 2 weeks to drink Sleeman, eat poutine, and eat scrumptious Canadian breakfasts....oh bliss...

For those of you who are in the TO & MTL areas, keep your calanders free...but we probably won't make any firm plans until the last minute. You know us eh?? Oh Canada, our home and native land...

Onto other news: Stephen is working, working and working...I am not working, as I've taken some days off until next wednesday. I had lunch with Debbie the Spitroast Queen yesterday, which was lovely. Otherwise for me, lots of cleaning and piano playing. Trying my best to ignore this Live 8 bru ha ha. Ok so I did text one entry for free tickets...but no dice. Basically, to me is seems that hyping up the event as the-biggest-concert-in music-history-that-YOU-won't-want-to-miss, only feeds the bubble of western priviledge & unawareness that I thought the concert was intended to pop. But I guess I just still bitter not to be there...

ok--I've finished my carrots and now must try on some new lipstick... Oh and here'a free tip for all of you with smelly bathrooms (not like we've got that problem or anything, eh?)...dab a couple drops of aromatherapy oils on the lightbulb (while it is off & cool to touch, eh?) and when the lightbulb is on, and heats up, it will distribute the scent around the room.


Posted by oz/rexcats at 3:46 PM BST
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Friday, 1 July 2005 - 5:48 PM BST

Name: Cat

WOO HOO!! HAPPY CANADA DAY!!!!!! I am very excited you two have booked your tickets for this side of the pond!! How Nice! I am having an exciting long weekend by... WORKING!!! and I don't even get paid overtime... ever... but I'm not tooo bitter eh? I look forward very much to seeing the two of you!

Saturday, 2 July 2005 - 12:25 PM BST

Name: Elisabeth

I'm sorry to hear that you had to work through the holiday weekend...I hope that you worked like a true Canadian by sneaking Sleemans in the Ladies Room...

Looking forward to seeing you too! It's been far too long!!!

Saturday, 2 July 2005 - 5:51 PM BST

Name: Cat

It has been far too long!! And yes I actually went home had a beer with mike and then went back to work.. hehe...

Tuesday, 5 July 2005 - 3:44 AM BST

Name: jc


Also, I"m jealous that you will be eating poutine, but I will not. Can you bring some to TO in a thermos for me or something?


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