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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Saturday, 2 July 2005
Saturday, What a Day!
Mood:  quizzical
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
Since I'm on holiday, I've been madly cleaning our tiny apartment, and as I'm sure everyone can testify, that no matter how big or small a space is, you will always fill it up with crap.

So I took a bunch of old clothes and photoframes to the charity shop. Now those of you who know League of Gentleman can visualize what charity shops are like here...and more to the point, the types of personalities that work there.

So I gave a couple bags of clothes to the lady, who then inspected the garmnets, and seemed satisfied. Phew I thought to myself, she's not going to chastise me for dontating a t-shirt with a hole in the shoulder...

And then I gave her a bag of photo frames and clip frames that I had bought from work. "Oh no. No we can't sell these. I mean we can take the photo frames, but we couldn't possibly sell THOSE. They're made of glass, it's a safety issue."

I thought to myself, "are you made of glass?" and made for the door, when she stopped me with a condescending tone "Why don't you just put them outside. I mean in the bin. Just throw them away."

I smiled incredulously at this ding-dong and marched down to Oxfam. I told the lady my story and she said, "Oh, no I'm sure we could use these, I'm sure we've been able to sell them before." And I made the Oxfams lady's day by putting down their rival Woking Hospice.

All in a day's work I say. Speaking of which, Stephen is still working the same shift he was working when I posted my last entry. In fact, he's still not due back for another 9 hours. I'm starting to wonder if he's just avoiding me?

Hope you are all hungover and enjoying the weekend.

Toodle OOO :)

Posted by oz/rexcats at 12:42 PM BST
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Saturday, 2 July 2005 - 5:48 PM BST

Name: Cat

we seem to be on at the same time! I am actually at work again, not really hung over but tired.. I've got BINGO in an hour. Woooo BINGO.

Saturday, 2 July 2005 - 9:48 PM BST

Name: Stephen

Yeah, but did you punch your supervisor in the face & give him a black eye? Well I don't remember doing it but everyone says I did. So phbltt!

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