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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Monday, 11 July 2005
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Now Playing: The News
Topic: Stephen Says
As life goes back to normal over here, contrary to what is being reported overseas, I'm gearing up for a busy couple of days (Working this evening, doing a sleep in, doing an hour tomorrow before taking off to Basingstoke all day for training & then going to Camberley to play D&D [nerd] before returning to Woking to kiss my wife, who will already be asleep in bed, goodnight sometime tomorrow night around midnight) and Elisabeth has recovered from the mental scarring from her recent biking accidents to pick up Kelly II again and ride the canals, We're perparing for Elisabeth's birthday on Wednesday. Details are still sketchy.

Also on Wednesday are my grad ceremonies that I was sent no information about (No, that's not true - I was invited & registered and THEN they stopped sending me info. Royal Holloway: Serving a big plate of suck for over 100 years!). Anyway, petty griping aside, Congratulations to all my fellow grads - y'all stuck it out! Have fun Piccolo's & watch out who you snog with.

No real news, otherwise. We spent the weekend being lazy and buying a stereo so that we can now properly listen to all of Tim's CD's without any (superfluous) feedback and bizarre stopping & starting and skipping of tracks. It's damn hot out here and I'm very happy that I work in an environment where shorts are allowed and water fights are a daily occurence.

In conclusion, who is that sexy guy???

Posted by oz/rexcats at 12:53 PM BST
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Monday, 11 July 2005 - 10:21 PM BST

Name: Sean

Angelfire ate my comment!!!

it was basically that london will pick itself up, dust itself off and get back to normall in a couple of days. I'm sure even the tube lines hit will be up shortly, barring any time for investigating.

The other comment was that mustashed steve was creepy.


Tuesday, 12 July 2005 - 1:41 PM BST

Name: Cat

You look like someone from the village people. haha. All you need is a funky bandana and some cop sunglasses. Very stylish!!

Tuesday, 12 July 2005 - 2:22 PM BST

Name: Greg

I like it, tres Magnum PI. I loved that show.

Tuesday, 12 July 2005 - 7:13 PM BST

Name: Elisabeth

All I can say is THANK GOD HE SHAVED IT OFF!!!

Wednesday, 13 July 2005 - 9:30 AM BST

Name: Stephen

Thank you. I take that as a very big complement. Tom Selleck was da man.

Thursday, 14 July 2005 - 12:46 PM BST

Name: Big Bad John
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Lookin' more like a porn star every day!!!

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