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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Sunday, 17 July 2005
The Verdict
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
Why is incredulous a mood?

Ok, so we decided to split the stuffed vegetables two last night: onions & mushrooms a and have courgettes & peppers tonight.

The verdict on last night came as clear as a fog horn in the night. Yup, baking an onion and eating it doesn't seem to please our colons.

And the mushroom recipe that I used was pretty bland. It was only parsley, breadcrums, olive oil, and garlic. It really need cheese or the zing of lemon juice, you know, something!

Anyway, tonight's menu should be more palatable.

Stephen's off at work again having his Sunday roast/barbeque.

Nothing else is happening...but we are starting to prepare for our Swedish excursion next weekend to visit my parents. Yay another trip!

Have a relaxing day y'all!

Posted by oz/rexcats at 8:33 AM BST
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