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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Tuesday, 19 July 2005
Maybe Tuesday, Maybe Not
Mood:  lyrical
Now Playing: Nothing, as usual
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
There is no point to me blogging today, as I can't think of anything to say. This is probably why most blogs are REALLY boring, because people start talking about how their cat did something really cute, or how they overheard a conversation on a bus, or wouldn't it be great to be Hermione in Harry Potter.

I put too much sauce on my spaghetti. There was a huge swan standing on the canal bank. Our secretary was burnt out today (after less than a month on the job) so I bought her a chocolate ginger bread man. Stephen remembered to take out the garbage when he left for work (before me) this morning. Stephen is still working, and it 20:52. Avocado and tomotao taste wonderful together. Pear shaped women are scientifically healthier than stick-thin rails of women. It's true. Japan isn't all that different from England. There's rain on the horizon. We have no pets. I do not like being a personal assistant. I would never want a personal assistant. There is never enough time to relax, or make good music. I think I'm a better cook than I am. I said I can type 80 words per minute with 88% accuracy on my CV. I think this is a lie. It is really windy. Stephen is half way through Harry Potter. Hair is not about the cut, it's about the style. Italians always speak in Italian. I've got an email! Gotta go.


Posted by oz/rexcats at 8:59 PM BST
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Wednesday, 20 July 2005 - 3:00 AM BST

Name: John
Home Page:

That's a lot of totally unrelated statements for one paragraph. And cheer up! Everyone is a personal assistant in some way or another to someone. And healthy women are more attractive to a man with a mind than a sick sack of bones. And I've taken courses on how to write a CV; truth has nothing to do with it (what's your biggest weakness? You work too hard. DUH).

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