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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Tuesday, 26 July 2005
Don't readt this entry
Mood:  cheeky
Now Playing: Love - Forever Changes / Da Capo
Topic: Stephen Says
Rightie ho, I'm on my 3rd pint of Pimms and am ready to blog about mine & Elisabeth's most recent trip to Sweden.

Be warned: This entry may get deleted in the harsh light of day. You know what I'm talking about, M&J.

First off, holy cow, Swedes are good looking. Danes are too (We once again spent quite alot of time loitering around Coppenhagen airport and had the opportunity to meet the funniest check in guy ever. For example: "Any bags to check in?" "No." "Good!"). But it's quie a strange thing to fly for an hour and a half and enter this mystical land of blondes who are all normal (Though slightly boring) and beautiful in non-trendy ways. ie, ways that will not grow old or dated.

Anyway, onto the juicy stuff.
Actually, it won't be quite so juicy - I'm going to write in the abstract for a little bit.

There was a good line in the book that I was reading while in Sweden that went (To paraphrase) "some people can be so rational to the point that they become insane." I thought that was really interesting because rationalality is relative and, when someone is firm in their beliefs, there becomes little room for introspection and, as a result, for some, their their very rational beliefs can be sane to them but abso-fuckingly-ridiculous to others.

Confused? Well, this entry will get more so.

There's also a strange insanity when it comes to flexability. It's that old question about anarchy - Who will fix the sewers? Likewise, when does one persons irrational flexability, combined with theit martyrdumb and add a dose of oppressively imposed low-self esteem become utterly ridiculous? You know, like just because a restaurant serves really good cheese cake, well maybe I don't want cheese cake for lunch. Maybe I want a quiche! And maybe I won't eat any cheesecake at all!! And why is it so fucking weird that I eat and drink what I want?

Why does my menu have to conform to yours?
Why do we have to eat together and why does it all have to bee the same thing??

(Look, I'm sorry - this is the kind of artsy / over pretentious thing that someone in high school writes. I promise not to do it again.)

(After this time.)

It's weird to visit an essentially Western country country with all the first world conveniences only to discover that your hotel is stuck in the middle ages where the management goes out of its way to turn you into a monastic serf and, should you not crumble into their clutches after their first half-assed barely heartfelt attempt, they hide in thier bedrooms, spying on you. Afraid to leave you alone because you must be some kind of horny sex-monkey who will start humping anything and everything at a moments chance at the first second that you're alone with your wife.

Or how about the franctic "NOOOOOooooo!" as you try and open a bottle of wine that you smuggled into the monastery under the nose of the watchful bloodhounds, only to have most of it drunk greedily by the head monk, who cares notihng about offering it (even though it wasn't even given to him) to those who brought it in, as the bloodhound angrily chastizes the 'alkies' who have hardly had a tipple.

The thing is, there's more, there's more, there's always more.

-Angrily driving around parking lots of glass factories under the pretense of 'finding a place to eat,' except that, dude, you didn't even stop the car OR check to see if you could even eat at thre glass factory.

-Getting so angry that you couldn't even to bring yourselves to say grace. Over the course of 3 meals!

-no communication, fleeing the scene, encouraging others to flee the scene.

-insanity, insanity, insantiy.

Thank God the airport had nice, cold beer on tap. I'm not an alcoholic but some people turn me into one. Give us a call is you need me to explain all this shit. It's been a long four days.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 7:16 PM BST
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Tuesday, 26 July 2005 - 10:08 PM BST

Name: J to the Cee


Oof. and Ugh. And OMG.

Wednesday, 27 July 2005 - 7:42 AM BST

Name: Stephen

That's kind of how I feel this morning after drinking too much. Wayyyy too much and now I've got day two of my 4 day 1st aid course. Agggggg....

Wednesday, 27 July 2005 - 11:32 PM BST

Name: Mom

Well, I can hardly wait until I talk to you two this ween-end. Hang in there you two.

Thursday, 28 July 2005 - 7:24 AM BST

Name: Stephen

Ag! We'll talk on Sunday. Saturday I'm doing a 14 hour shift and I'm working 'till 4pm on Sunday.

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