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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Thursday, 28 July 2005
I think I'm in love
Mood:  silly
Now Playing: and You Will Know us by the Trail of Dead - Source Tags & Codes
Topic: Stephen Says
And her name's Annie. She's got no arms and legs and she's pretty quiet. Yup, she's a CPR dummy. I'm almost through my 4 day First aid course and my sanity has (mostly) returned. What was poorly planned about this course is that I'm taking it with the certain co-worker that (according to my 3 month probationary report) "can have dramatic and destructive effects on Stephens (sic) ability to focus on the job at hand." Hence why were were making wind up calls to the boss from the pub during out 'lunch' hour.

It's a weird thing to be taking this course because I thought that it would be with other people from a care environment and the vast majority are, in fact, slaves to a large corporate firm (Tele-communications-something-or-other). As a result, my co-worker and I have taken it upon ourselves to engage in fast-track rehabilitation Snowdon style on them. There hasn't been too much progress but we have managed to convince one fine fellow to leave threatening messages on the project's answer phone claiming to be the first aid instructer and saying that he had to kick the two of us out for being inappropriate and coming back from our 'lunch' hours drunk.

My probation report also says something about this, let me see... Ah yes, " [I] must be aware that [blah, blah, books & stuff] are legal documents and should keep this in mind when assessing the appropriateness of [my] comments." Hmmm...

The really interesting thing, though, is that I've withnessed an interesting cross-section of the types of orifice office workers that Elisabeth works with and all I can say is holy cow, I could never conform to that kind of a crowd and kudos to Elisabeth for having that ability (Though I wonder if that's a good thing...). I mean, honestly, they're all really nice folks but they're really quite S.Q.U.A.R.E. And the funny thing is that they're all aching to break out of their squareness. Whenever we have to do role plays, improvisations or volunteer for things, they're petrified. But holy moley do they get into it once they're up there. It's refreshing to see and gives me hope for their future.

Oh, and the guy that were were able to corrupt so easily into crank calling the project? Well, my co-worker recognizes him from a club in Brighton. So you know what that means. It's a handy skill to be able to spot those who you just know will be willing to fuck with someone's head.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 5:40 PM BST
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