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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Sunday, 14 August 2005
Nope, no title for this sucka
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: Whistlin' the Buckaroo Banzai song
Topic: Stephen Says
No much agoin' on this Weekend. Me: work, work, work and Elisabeth has renamed herself Delia and baked bread, made super-duper merangues, and cooked up a storm. All this snacking has made me gain weight. E points out that my nipples have become misshapen thanks to my weight gain (Yikes!). I will be cutting back on snacks and booze (the prime offender) soon.


Sadly, I am going to subject Elisabeth to another husbandless week. Tomorrow night I'm going clubbing in Brighton with my co-workers. Certain staff have already voiced alarm and concern that I may end up doing a repeat performance to the last staff outting and start hitting people. I am promising to be well behaved.

Then on Tuesday I'm doing a sleep in and Wednesday is a D&D night.

We're getting our Canada itinary set up and, with luck, we'll have it before the weekend.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 7:08 PM BST
Updated: Sunday, 14 August 2005 10:01 PM BST
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Monday, 15 August 2005 - 1:39 AM BST

Name: Enrico

Hey that's right! I had forgotten about your trip. I'm missing Montreal right now. Gotta get off my butt and start planning a trip there myself. Cheers.

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