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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Wednesday, 17 August 2005
I ain't no friend of Jack's
Mood:  mischievious
Now Playing: Devo - Greatest Hits
Topic: Stephen Says
Alright, I told them - I like Jack Daniels but I can't be held responsible for my actions because they'd been forwarned and, under His influence, my drunken behaviour is worse than usual. And it was.

I escaped with a skinned knee & elbow, some pretty nasty bruises on my thighs and a painful bump on the back of my head. Others weren't so lucky and had to go to the doctor the next day and were diagnosed with whiplash, torn muscles & compressed nerves. And sadly, this was all before we got to the club.

I'm actually quite embarassed by my behaviour. But at least I didn't make the pizza delivery guy sit on the hall floorway and start lecturing him about ... whatever was rattling around in my brain at that very minute.

And sadly there are pictures that I will make sure never see the light of day.

This was all down in Brighton, mind, and it's a beautiful town. It's got a huge Dr. Who exhibition and it's always sunny. It's alot like how you think England is if you live in North america except that it's hot & sunny. And beachy.

I don't even remember the hours that I spent at the club, other than spilling a beer and being led around the dance floor and dancing. I have a nasty suspicion that I was just sitting in a dark corner spaced out and dribbling.

Got home and talked about the new Harry Potter book until 4AM and fell asleep on the couch.

Got back to the flat in time for a quick shower & bite to eat before I was back at work doing my sleep in where I was lulled to sleep by 11PM by Britney Spears Redneck Roots on TV.

Last night, though, I think E got a bit of hers back by going to the Bridge Barn pub with some friends. This was the site of my first 'MACA night out' and I'm surprised that she was willing to show her face there again.

For me tonight: D&D and an extra early day tomorrow but, if I've read the tea leaves properly, I should be reunited with my wife tonight if I don't get back too late.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 3:46 PM BST
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Thursday, 18 August 2005 - 12:16 AM BST

Name: your mother

Goodness, what ever were you doing? Were you looking after your clients or were they looking after you!!

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