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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Sunday, 21 August 2005
Where did all the blogging go?
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: Elisabeth playing the piano
Topic: Stephen Says
So this is me this morning: "You know, since getting back from Sweden, We haven't been blogging that much. And actually, when I say 'we' I mean 'me.'" And then Elisabeth goes "That's because you've been working like shit."

And I suppose I have, really. So much so that on Friday I twice called the residence "home." Yesterday I called Elisabeth "mom" but I'd prefer not to talk about that. This week is my mad week with two sleep ins and the working weekend but when I say working weekend, it's actually alot of sitting out in the garden, chatting to the residents and, weather permitting, having a barbeque.

We went to a very nice luncheon yesterday at the house of a friend of, oh never mind, it's going to be far too complicated to explain the relationship. Anyway, it was a very traditional British affair with aperitifs, brandy after lunch, conversations in the drawing room, a geriatric beagle & kids running around with tiny mallets. It wasn't so much Great Gatsby as it was Clue (Or Cluedo in this country) but alas I'd forgotten to bring my monocole so I was more Ms. Scarlett than Colonel Mustard.

What with all this hard work, I haven't had that much time to do laundry and have been complaining about a lack of appropriate trousers for the last few days. Elisabeth told me to look in the closet and whoops, there are all the clothes I washed last week and forgot to put away.

Elisabeth's been pretty stressed out and feeling down about her job so last night, once we'd gotten back from the lunch, we tried to re-capture to good ol' days when we were broke with nothing to do to raise her spirits (It made sense at the time). One fast and furious game of Monopoly (Which she creamed me at), some spinache & gruyere pizzas, some vino (A very nice South African pinotage) and two and a quarter hours of Queen later, she was quite a bit more cheery.

The good news is that the bookstore will be hiring around the time when she's leaving her company and the two of us agree that it might be fun for her to give it a shot. She already knows the people and, what with the amount of travelling & unpaid overtime she does, the bookstores salary will effectively earn her the same salary PLUS give us 30% off books (Although it seems that my staff discount still applies, even though I haven't been staff there for almost 4 months...)

And speaking of books, after Harry Potter and another girly fantasy book (Tad Williams' War of the Flowers), I'm enjoying some good ol' hard boiled right-wing spy thrillers. On my bedside shelf is Andy McNab's Bravo Two Zero - a 'harrowing' true-life account of the SAS in action during the 1st Gulf War by one of the most decorated soldiers of recent memory.

And in my bed is the crushed remains of a terrifically large spider that woke me up last night because it was crawling on me. Elisabeth was thrown into the usual panic that always seems uncharacteristic of her and is now explaining her reaction as a 'surreal moment.' That's sort of like calling what Bush did to Iraq as a 'slight case of overbombing.'

10 points if you can tell me which 80's goth band that phrase is from.

This afternoon we're off to the South African caterer's house where we've been invited to eat her left overs from this weeks catering. We can't wait. Delicious, delicious food here we come!

Posted by oz/rexcats at 11:41 AM BST
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Sunday, 21 August 2005 - 9:37 PM BST

Name: jc

bookstores! are fun!
back from the wild west.
talk to you guys soon...


Monday, 22 August 2005 - 8:05 AM BST

Name: Stephen

I'm glad to see that you survived Canada's 'other half'! I hope that the wedding was fantastic.

Monday, 22 August 2005 - 11:28 PM BST

Name: Sean

There is a Bravo two zero movie, though I never heard of it untill now.

Tuesday, 23 August 2005 - 5:14 PM BST

Name: Stephen

It's based on the book but looks like one of the crap UK movies that never make it overseas. There are alot of those.

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