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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Tuesday, 23 August 2005
Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: Danger Mouse - The Grey Album
Topic: Stephen Says
The boss is on vacation (In Toronto of all places!) and, after a few quiet weeks bordering on being flat out booooring, it looks like the shit has finally hit the fan and has left my deputy manager rocking on the floor, clutching himself and hitting his head against the floor (Seriously. He did this twice.).

Can't say much, of course but the exciting thing is that a formal complaint may be made against me by a resident (Utterly unfounded) and, should all go well (And this is HIGHLY unlikely) it could even mean being suspended with pay while the allegation is being investigated. But that would be too good to be true so it'll probably be sorted out by the time I get back on Thursday. Bumer.

I just got off a 31.5 hours shift and it's weird how these things become normal. Though they still require cider for post-work decompression.

Actually, it's weird how my job becomes normal. E&I were waiting at the train station this weekend and this Mad Fucker (tm) was mumbling to himself and making bizarre finger jestures at the trains and/or nothing at all (Think Brad Pitt in 12 Monkeys only filthy & weird - not cool & sexy) and, while she was thinking 'What's up with THAT.", I was thinking "Lah de dah dah doodie doo." (As I often do) And then afterwards, we had a chat about yes, that's the kind of thing I deal with every day (And worse) and have learned how to see beyond the illness and recognize the individual underneath.

Which is pretty cool, if you ask me.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 5:50 PM BST
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Tuesday, 23 August 2005 - 10:51 PM BST

Name: Elisabeth

It was more than 12 Monkeys...this dude was quacking and hissing, and pacing.

I just couldn't and wouldn't deal with this person even if he were in distress, because I am utterly incapable of it. Mostly because crazy people scare me.

My hat's off permanently to Stephen....

Wednesday, 24 August 2005 - 6:50 PM BST

Name: blogziz
Home Page:

sounds like you had it pritty rough so it may no big deal to you after all that to learn that {I had a blog accident} and had to delete my blog and startover ..wich is probibly nothing compared to your day i hope you dont mind ..anyway i put a friends link and added you to it on my blog ..wich is no longer a comunity ...thanks from jeffy

Thursday, 25 August 2005 - 3:14 AM BST

Name: jc

as long as it isn't your shirt that's permanently off!

pah ha haaaa!

ok so when are you guys coming? jeez, are you HERE YET?

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