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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Saturday, 27 August 2005
Good Morning!
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: BBC Radio 4
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
Oh well! this has turned into a very good morning, and it's only 9am!

I received word that the wad of cash I (stupidly)sent to my parents my registered mail on 11 Aug, has finally arrived safe & sound into their hands!!! Pheww....I may never do that again...

Secondly, I received my provisional drivers licence yesterday, and my passport & marriage certificate were delivered by registered mail this morning!! Yay--no worries about not being able to leave the country on the 16th!!

Also, it's a bank holiday weekend!!! I'm drinking tea!!! And, I'm going shopping in Guildford (Stephen's gotten paid already) with a friend from work!!!


Otherwise, the house is a bit filthy, Stephen's working, and did a sleep-in last night, so won't see him till 3 o'clock today. I spent my Friday night wishing I had a man around the house to help me open the bottle of wine. I was so furious at my ineptitude, that I somehow mustered the strength in the end to uncork that magical elixir, which I nursed into the night while reading Harry Potter. I think I will be finishing it this weekend.

Stephen's father was in Woking on Wednesday, and the two of them enjoyed lunch at the Bridge Barn. We're looking forward to the arrival of my brother Tim & his best girl Vickie in less than 2 weeks!!!

So lots and lots to be excited about!!

I know I've used way too many exclamation marks for 9am on a Sat. morn. but such is the life of a wife of a social care worker....

Posted by oz/rexcats at 9:09 AM BST
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Saturday, 27 August 2005 - 3:43 PM BST

Name: Stephen

That's SENIOR social care worker to you, babe.

Sunday, 28 August 2005 - 9:42 AM BST

Name: Elisabeth

Oh go to hell!

Tuesday, 30 August 2005 - 11:48 PM BST

Name: Susan

Hi again, are you getting an English license?????? Cool!!!

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