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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Monday, 29 August 2005
August Bank Holiday weekend: Summer is almost over ;(
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: The ceiling fan
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
The weather is cooperating marvelously for all those bank holiday revellers who stood in traffic jams for hours on end, just to see a bit of sea side this weekend. It is clear, hot, and a cool breeze runs through the air. And yes, the weather is mighty fine for Carnival, which is today, and we are too lazy to go to. BOR-ING...

Stephen miraculously is not working today, and so we had a pankcake breakfast, followed by a stroll into town to purchase A Fish Called Wanda, and buy some trashy mags ("OK!" and "Hello!") so I can catch up with rest of the world. I had no idea that Paris Hilton was a deeply sweet and generous person...

I DID finish Harry Potter, and enjoyed the book. However, the series still pales in comparison to the Philp Pullman trilogy NORTHERN LIGHTS. Check. It. Out.

We are now lazing around the house, I played piano, Stephen played Jagged Alliance (TM) and he is now drinking cider & reading Andy McNab's latest book...I can't make out the title because Stephen's big hands are blocking the cover...

Poo pee poo....That's all!

Posted by oz/rexcats at 6:54 PM BST
Updated: Monday, 29 August 2005 6:56 PM BST
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Tuesday, 30 August 2005 - 11:43 PM BST

Name: Susan

Elisabeth, I agree with you about His Dark Materials, they would scare the beejeebas out of Harry Potter fans. I can't wait until you come and Ernest, hopefully, for the time you are here will stop being my deamon!!!!!

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