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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Wednesday, 31 August 2005
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: The news
Topic: Stephen Says
Rightie ho, it's been a while since I blogged. Why, you ask. Good question, I reply. Will you tell us, you ask (slightly irritated). I will, I reply (slighlty aloof). Right now!

There was some residential kicking off last week that I alluded to last time and there was some mild excitment and she is now back at the hospital. Elisabeth thinks that I'm burning out at work; I think that my brain is morphing into something superhuman by the need to be alert all the time. I'm hoping that, in a few weeks time, I'll be fully capable on mind reading. At the moment, all I'm getting is a smoky grey shifting coloury foggy thingy.

It's also pretty busy because our annual review is coming up next week and I'm supposed to be co-ordinating with a co-worker. This is, aparantly, the single most important day of the year for the residence and they're put me in charge. With the co-worker who is 'destructive to my focus.' O what a glorious day it will be. I'm looking forward to, at long last, meeting the mayor and our local MP. Sorry, I mean the duke & Dutchess of God.

Summer is back in England - it's shorts weather and the nights aren't so bad because it cools off very, very nicely. Hopefully I'll have a nice tan for when we arrive in Canada.

Oh, Canada, you say. Sorry for my lameness - here's a rough plan of our itinary while we're visiting. Thank you Sean, for reminding me how I said I'd post this weeks and weeks ago.

16 - Arrive in the A.M. Chill out.
17 - In the evening; pub crawl: Foufs, a single shot at Fats, Brutopia, Brutopia, Brutopia. Maybe a nightcap at Buster Harveys. Sean, Joanna, we will require the use of your house.
18 - Breakfast at the Oxford, Tams in the afternoon, lunch at Cafe Santropol and a nightcap at Cafe la Nuit on Prince Arthur.
19 - Shopping for E, lunch/diner with my dad
20/21 - Relaxo.
22/23 - Train to T-Dot (E- When are we going? We need to book train tickets!)
23 or 24 - Toronto 'party' chez Mark & Jenn. And by "'party'" I mean 'get together'. E realizes that we don't know enough people in the T-Dot to have enough people over for a 'party' per say, so we'll have a fun 'get together.' See my Sister these days, hopefully.
25-29 - Westberg family visits, Toronto exploration, possible day trip to Ottawa to see Stephen W.
30 - Return to England.

Rightie-ho, folks. Please comment & amend and give us your opinions so that we can improve this list.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 8:27 AM BST
Updated: Wednesday, 31 August 2005 9:50 PM BST
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Thursday, 1 September 2005 - 9:34 PM BST

Name: Cat

Sorry it has been so long i have been in training for the last couple of weeks. I will definatly be able to see you. I will have to work until 5 on friday and then can come in until sunday?? Can I hang out with you and the westbergs?? I can get mike down so you can FINALLY meet him. I will be in montreal this labour day weekend so maybe we can talk?? I will be moving to alliston on tuesday. i don't have a phone yet or anything but when I do i will let you know. I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU TWO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, 2 September 2005 - 5:18 AM BST

Name: jc


anyway, um, since when was stephen w going to be in ottawa? i don't get it. what's going on? anyway, so excited for you two to visit...


Friday, 2 September 2005 - 1:13 PM BST

Name: Dizzie Lizzie

Stephen W. was thinking he might be passing through Ottawa after Iqualuit, but I doubt this is happening anymore. Still waiting for news from me oldest Bro...

Friday, 2 September 2005 - 4:20 PM BST

Name: Stephen

Why dont you come down Saturday and/or Sunday? I'm sure e can twist Jenn (& Mark's) arm to let you stay in the vicinity of their place. ... Right, Jenn? (& Mark)

Saturday, 3 September 2005 - 8:26 PM BST

Name: jc

sure, she can stay in the backyard... perhaps under hte table or whatever. HA HA i joke, i joke. stay with us, dear, we've got plenty of room.

Sunday, 4 September 2005 - 9:42 AM BST

Name: Stephen

That's groovetastic. I've been applying some pressure on her.

Oh, and Grag (&Laura) can you come out? E's supposed to email you but I suspect that she won't get around to it until the last minute...

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