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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Sunday, 4 September 2005
September Song
Mood:  spacey
Topic: Stephen Says
My God, it's September already! All the little chavs & chavettes will be going back to school soon, praise the Lord. No more England jerseys & ra-ra skirts polluting my beautiful town.

Ok, so we're definitely catching the train out of Dorval Friday morning for T-dot - that way we do 7 days in each place. And on the travel front, Tim & Vicki will be arriving on Wednesday so yikes! I've been the mad cleaner, making the flat look presentable so that we can at least appear (at the start) tidy and normal people. We've also bought a little cabinet so that, unlike as my mother had to do, they can unpack some of their clothes and store things.

We've had a pretty relaxing weekend all told. The weather's been ludicrus - Even Montreal doesn't get this hot & humid. Plus no one here has A/C so we just have to slug it out. Boo.

Interestingly, Canada's too tough for Scots. On their recent trip to the Great White North, my manager's partner passed out from the heat and had to get seven stitches in his chin. Heh.

Otherwise, nothing new. E's boss is asking, no, begging her to stay on after October and she has wisely said no. We're just sitting back and watching the news of disaster after disaster in New Orleans come in. Hopefully the one good thing that will come out of this is Bush's impeachment.

There's this weird thing on BBC2 on Thursday nights where they play the BBC world service t 1AM and then at 2AM turn over to ABC World News for some reason. God, it's shocking, disturbing and downright fascinating to see all the things that Americans aren't told by their so-called free speaking media.

Like how many Americans know that Fidel Castro on Thursday held a minute of silence for all the victims of the hurricane and spoke of his grief for their loss because most of the victims were blacks, hispanics & poor white people? Or that America has turned down Canada's (And Germany's) offers to send aid. Anyway, Americablog (Link over there on the right) has got tons of info for you to check out. So do so.

Hey, look at that! I was able to avoid going on a tyrade! I didn't even mention "Dr." Rice's 7000$ shoe shopping spree & night out on broadway (to see 'Spamalot') while thousands of Americanss were dying. Or "Mr." Cheney staying on holiday until when, Thursday? Friday? Or "president" Bush being an arrogant prick playing a guitar on fundraising stops instead of arranging a rescue plan as the hurricane hit land. Mind you, if I was on a 5 week vacation (Longest presidential vacation ever), I wouldn't want to cut it short for a bunch of dying black, hispanic and (eew) poor white people.

As Barbara Bush would say, I don't want to pollute my beautiful mind with such horrific images. Just like I don't want my beautiful Woking populated by ra-ra skirts & England jerseys. It's just a thought but, since we're innundated with chavs & chavettes, maybe we can ship them to Louisiana - strap some chains to them and they could fill in the holes in the dykes quite nicely...

Posted by oz/rexcats at 9:31 PM BST
Updated: Sunday, 4 September 2005 9:32 PM BST
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Sunday, 4 September 2005 - 9:43 PM BST

Name: Elisabeth

It is not fainting hot here...believe me

Monday, 5 September 2005 - 2:48 PM BST

Name: Elisabeth

Actually Stephen, look at what Canada is doing to help:

Tuesday, 6 September 2005 - 3:20 PM BST

Name: jc

just goes to show you, you can never trust a blogger, eh?

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