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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Thursday, 15 September 2005
Stephen & Elisabeth ... in Canaduh?
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: rain, & Tim & Vicki snoring
Topic: Stephen Says
It's going to be a bit of the Dead Zone over in Stephen & Elisabeth land until the end of the month as we'll be in Canada with, probably, a limited access to computers. At least for a bit, anyway.

Lots of pictures to put up, shit to say but over here we're running ourselves a bit ragged what with E quitting her job, me working at my job & general funness. Did Karaoke last night but it was kinda good and also kinda sucky. Stole some desperately neded shot glasses for the flat, though. And talked to a hurly burly limo driver which was interesting and dumb all at the same time - He was more interested in picking up Elisabeth, anyway.

Will be spending the night in Stanstead airport to catch our early morning flight. Looking forward to seeing you all soon.

PS- Pictures to make you excited:
Me at my job:

E enjoying some fireworks:

Tim & Vicki all excited by the dodgems:

Posted by oz/rexcats at 10:00 AM BST
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