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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Sunday, 18 September 2005
hung over
Mood:  don't ask
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Topic: Stephen Says
Hi folks, Stephen here from rainy, wet England. Or Canada. Woteva! Just spent the night living it up, etc, getting aquainted with old places, etc, eating food that we haven't eaten in a long time, being generally loud & obnoxious, etc. I.e., same shit, different place.

Elisabeth, do you have anything to say?

E says: I passed out last night with my clothes on n everything. My breath stinks. Montreal is one hec of a cool city. People don't blink an I at us when we're throwing beer at each other or humping parking meters, C'est cool. Today to the mountain and the plateau. Hopefully fit some Santropol goodness somewhere in mah beer belly. OUT...

S says: We have set a bad precident that involves throwing glasses of beer at each other. I have been thugoughly wetted. Do not do this in the company of adults. It is very bad news.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 1:30 PM BST
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