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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Saturday, 1 October 2005
Back into the Weird
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Canada trip 2005
Time to spark up the ol' blog after a few weeks of relative silence. As usual, I'm not taking my own advice and it looks like I'll be staying up most of the night because, unlike the medeivalesque regime that Elisabeth and I inflict on our guests, I'm not allowing myself to get over the jet lag in a sensible way, so aren't I going to be a charm over the next few days.

E has already said it below, but thank you to all who holed us up; thanks to Tim and Vicki for taking such good care of our flat while we were gone (And leaving American style fries in our fridge... Just what the doctor ordered after an all night flight and having to deal with Gatwick & UK trains at 5 in the morning.); Anywho, we must do it again soon.

It's funny coming back to England after so much Canadian goodness. While we've been shown that the UK isn't a bad sort of place (It just needs to chill... the fuck... out!), it's still shocking to see that there's more of a rigamarole to get into Canada than it is to get into the UK.

It was also weird doing the same Gatwick walk as we did a little over two years ago; this time with less luggage (Though we did bring back an extra 5Kg's of clothing & music books(!) ) and more of a knowledge of how things worked.

Our train ride back home was marred by an incredibly over-eager conductor who looked like an evil master-spy from a low-budget BBC TV show from the 1960's who was far too perky for 5AM and far too keen about his job; telling the bloke next to us about the variations of ticket prices over the time of day and how a super-saver ticket isn't valid on a friday but a saver ticket is except that it's not between 9:04AM and 10:30AM because it's rush hour and a full fare except until he get's to Reading because it's a super-saver between Gatwick and Reading except that it IS a Friday so there's only low-fares in effect and that when he gets to Reading he's got to go to platform 4 because that's where he can upgrade his tickets unless he wants to wait at the station and get a low fare ticket instead of an upgrade or else he'll have to pay full faAARRRRRRGH! Anyone still reading this paragraph or have you skipped ahead to the next one already?

Then, at the change at Guildford we ended up trapped by this strange woman who spoke only in monologue to us and to others.

Then, walking from the estation to our flat, a strange old lady didn't walk, didn't run, but PRANCED past us.

And we thought, Welome to Woking. Wonderful Woking. And strangely enough, this bizarro place actually fels like home.

At least until we move to Toronto.

PS - Pictures!

Posing in the doorway of Octopussy (We're not a boy band):

A motly gang in the Cock'n Balls:

Stephen can't hold his liquor (And other things):

Neither can Sean:

Elisabeth tickling the ivories:

Look! It's Stephen! With a box on his head:

Toronto as seen through my shades (One of Elisabeth's art pictures):

I'm sure E will post some more pics but we really didn't take that many. We were too busy being exhausted. Speaking of which, I'm gonna try and get some sleep.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 2:31 AM BST
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Sunday, 2 October 2005 - 1:13 AM BST

Name: jc

what, no photos of US? boooooo! a pox upon you!

Sunday, 2 October 2005 - 2:29 PM BST

Name: Stephen

Erm, the only picture that we have of you made you angry at me for taking it. I can post if you want when E&I do our next batch of photos/canaduhblogging.

Monday, 3 October 2005 - 1:45 AM BST

Name: jc

Angry, moi? I don't remember that. Well, don't post it if it's ugly.

Monday, 3 October 2005 - 6:55 AM BST

Name: Stephen

Hm, well, it was taken & showed to you on the 1st night you were there so I'm not holding you responsible for your reactions. It's certainly not ugly, though.

Monday, 3 October 2005 - 6:16 PM BST

Name: Greg

That Creemore hat is very flattering, I hope that you wore it on the plane.

Wednesday, 5 October 2005 - 4:25 AM BST

Name: jc

Oy gevalt. Am I a drunk or what? I don't even remember.

but I like the picture you did post after all! It's a fair representation of mark & jenn.

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