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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Tuesday, 4 October 2005
I ain't Partin' Till I've Gone Fartin' -Stephen Allin
Mood:  energetic
Now Playing: The Essential Leonard Cohen
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
Ok--here's my big chance to blog...

So I've taken seriously the advice of my big brother Mark & have not just sat on my arse waiting for some stupid job to come along. On Saturday I checked a play out of the library: Amy's View by David Hare & have now read it, and am on my 2nd read which involves taking notes, then researching it, which paves the way for a 3rd read to get more details and so on...the idea is that I need to get back into what I love to do. Once I'm finished breaking down this play, I'll move onto another, and then hopefully get a catalog of plays that I've researched & analyzed so that maybe, just maybe one day I could direct them in an actual theatre. In addition I have taken Stephen's advice to not get lackadaisical and on Monday morning, I went for a run, applied for a bunch of jobs, went into town to the employment agency, wrote letters, did a bunch of laundry etc... Today I posted a letter to the local theatre to try my luck there, and went back to the employment agency to complete my registration. My typing test results say that I write 63wpm perfectly, and 89wpm with mistakes...which is pretty good. I'm only looking for temporary work at the moment, so I don't get stuck anywhere just yet. I've had one call today for a job as a public sector administrator, which could be promising.

More interesting news though, is how much we have enjoyed A History of Violence, Directed by David Cronenburg. It's very intelligent, relevant, and well made. Plus, there's Viggo, and so what else do you need?

Here's the last few pix from our trip...random ones...

First, Montreal as seen from the lookout:

Next, a torso in the Santropol garden:

And finally, Chinatown, Toronto:


Posted by oz/rexcats at 8:18 PM BST
Updated: Tuesday, 4 October 2005 8:28 PM BST
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