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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Thursday, 6 October 2005
Now Bring to the Boil
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: Bjork- Vespertine
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
Ok so the dripping has stopped--really not all that bad in the end, and it is clear that this leaking is not the first time, since our cold water tank is in the ceiling. And the maintenance man says what probably happened was our boiler over-heated causing the hot water to boil over & up into the cold water tank, thereby spilling the excess water onto our ceiling. GREAT. We contacted the Apt. building management contractor & the landlord, and after waiting for 6 hours, it turns out the Landlord wants to have his own plummer come by & fix the problem. This will be tomorrow? Maybe Sat? Meanwhile we have no cold water in the shower, so I've invented a new system, which is also very conservative of the precious aqua: get a big cooking pot--you know those BIG ones, and fill it with the warm water. Wait 15-30 min. until it has cooled & then using a washcloth, bathe. It worked rather well in fact, so put those Elisabeth is a grease-monkey thoughts out of your heads!!

I had a phone interview for an admin. role at the Surrey County Council yesterday, and hadn't heard back, so I don't think I got that one. The agency I've registered with thinks I'll get a job by Thurs. next week at the latest. We'll just see if their right.

On another note: I've put into motion our getting Broadband, which will be a whole 7 pounds cheaper than our dial-up...go figure.

I was also supposed to go drinking tonight with some co-workers, but it was postponed, so I had the opportunity to take my bike to be repaired (the spoke had poked through the tape between the rim & inner tube. The job papers came out, and foolishly I went to the newsagents Stephen always says : DON'T GO THERE, THEY RIP YOU OFF...and I thought, how could they rip me off the job papes? But alas, they had stocked last weeks job papers into the newsstand, and I just didn't check the dates. It's so obvious, but when I'm in a store, I'm like a deer in headlights, and can't think rationally...all that runs through my head is, "What can I buy so I can get out of here?" So there we go. After my bike was fixed though, I happily zipped back into town to another newsagents for the correct issue of the Woking News & Mail, and there are lots of jobs, so I'll have fun tonight writing covering letters.

Generally, I am REALLY enjoying not working! I feel pressure to get a job, only because of how we tasted a two-income quality of life for the past little while. But soon enough I'm sure.

Oh and I did go for a run again this morning, despite our leaky shenanigans & it felt so good. I've also been dry for 8 days now! It might be time for a shot of Kahlua!

Posted by oz/rexcats at 6:57 PM BST
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Thursday, 6 October 2005 - 7:16 PM BST

Name: Greg

8 Days!!!!!!!!!!

Is that even humanly possible?!

Thursday, 6 October 2005 - 10:09 PM BST

Name: Stephen

As far as I'm concerned, no.

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