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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Tuesday, 11 October 2005
Internet Addict
Mood:  incredulous
Now Playing: BBC4
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
I have been playing on-line Sudoku, and I think my eyes are damaged...

I applied for a 12 month assistant director residency at a london theatre today...exciting to hope anyway ;)

Also that phone interview I did last week has now asked me in for an interview on Thurs...gosh everything is so slow!! Stephen was absolutely right about the extraordinary length of time it takes a person to get a job here, and it's completely out of your control! I mean when someone says "I'll let you know tomorrow", you can't just assume they mean in 1 week? I was going to switch agencies today because I was getting impatient. Lesson number 1: Allow 7x the "normal" time to hear back from English employers/agents.

Stephen was called into work early today (boo...) and so haven't really seen him. If you know Stephen, you know that mornings don't count until the 10th cup of coffee's been had.

Ok--I just want to say that I now know that David Kronenburg's name is actually spelt Cronenberg. And does anyone else think that Viggo Mortensen is delicious? I do.

And yes, if Stephen posted that he thinks Olivia Newton John is delicious, I would probably be oh so upset, and this double-standard is so oh unfair...but we're talking about VIGGO man!

Posted by oz/rexcats at 9:18 PM BST
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