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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Wednesday, 12 October 2005
Keep on Truckin'
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: should go without saying
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
Hello my friends. I've got a pretty good track record of posting blogs now that I'm unemployed ;)

Today I spent most of the day with Debbie (my ex-cooworker/partner in unemployed crime/South African spit-roasting friend) and once home, made a ratatouille, played some more on-line sudoku, and selected the outfit to wear for tomorrow's interview =black skirt, tights, black tanktop with gold beads & heels. Since we don't drive, and I get injuries from walking in this pair of heels (my only pair--2.5 years old now), I'm still trying to figure out how to get into town on my bike (unless it's raining, and then where to I'll be setting the alarm tonight...

yes, Stephen is working again...

That's about it...cherioooo

Posted by oz/rexcats at 9:06 PM BST
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Thursday, 13 October 2005 - 3:00 AM BST

Name: jc

Bonne chance, ma cherie!!!

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