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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Tuesday, 18 October 2005
Each Velvety Cheek Day
Mood:  spacey
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
So now, what happened today? It's 8 p.m. and time for a re-cap. Stephen had to be at work for 2pm so we had a leisurely morning, caffinated of course, and then went into town. Stephen paid off his credit card so we're credit card debt-free!! I applied to be a Xmas Temp at a clothing store, which involved filling out the application in a mall coffee/muffin shop with Stephen sitting across from me reading a book and drinking coffee, and giving me good advice when I needed it. When I wasn't finished the application, and the coffee was gone, he left, came back, gave me more advice, and eventually I put down enough B.S. about being a dedicated worker, etc... to satisfy me, and then turned it in.

Now I realize that Xmas Temping in retail does not pay well (ahem, min. wage), but here are the advantages:

1. Discounts on their gorgeous clothes.
2. Not working in front of a computer.
3. Not working in an office.
4. Getting to wear the gorgeous sweaters, skirts, accessories & wearing nice trousers/jeans to work, instead of stuffy button up shirts, wool trouser suits, and clicky heels.
5. Having great stories to tell about the insane demands of Xmas customers.

I also applied to a couple more theatres, and some other office jobs.

This evening I played some piano and some online sudoku. Then I got my ass in gear and did some more research on this play I'm trying to "prepare" as if I were ever to direct it, and read an interesting comparative article by Susan Sontag on "Film and Theatre". Basically many people believe that film will kill the need for theatre, but she argues that instead they are distinct forms, and may even give birth to a new form. But in the end both theatre and film are distinct art forms that are clearly different, and provide different experiences.

The hard part as a person of theatrical persuasion, is how to convince cynics that theatre is relevant, and not the perceived elitist-artsy fartsy, or stuffy and outdated reputation it has. I believe as film is developing, it is also dividing itself into categories like artsy-fartsy films, blockhead blockbusters (equivalent to most Broadway musicals, esp. Andrew Lloyd Webber), and the more challenging and beautiful films (insert your favourite here...mine is that new one with Viggo Mortensen...) which can be equated to quality modern theatre, which reflects today's society.

Anyway, my brain is hurting.

Stephen will be home late tonight as he's at the Woking FC match against Nottingham Forest with some of his residents/outpatients. Tomorrow he will be getting up early to go to London for a training course, and Lord knows when I'll see him again.

Tomorrow I'll spend some time with Debbie (the hog roasting South African babe), and maybe, just maybe have word from any of these jobs I've applied to.

Over and out.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 8:51 PM BST
Updated: Tuesday, 18 October 2005 8:56 PM BST
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Wednesday, 19 October 2005 - 2:31 AM BST

Name: jc

word up! it's cool that you're doing so much on your own re: plays & articles. Interestingly enough, we were just talking about elitism and culture (except with respect to philosophy/religion) in my Methods class last week... would you believe that some of the people I'm in a program with don't think it matters if you're relevant or not?

Wednesday, 19 October 2005 - 7:30 AM BST

Name: Stephen

Erm, not wanting to name names or point fingers, I dan think of one person who thinks those things.

Wednesday, 19 October 2005 - 7:52 PM BST

Name: jc

nice typo.

tee hee

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