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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Saturday, 22 October 2005
Working on the Weekend
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Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
This weekend should not prove very exciting for blogging as Stephen slept at work last night, and will only be home on Sat. & Sun evenings, where he will sit down in front of the computer with 4 cans of cider and read blogs/newsarticles, watch funny videos and play violent games.

The idea is we're supposed to make up for our dud weekends by living it up the weekends Stephen's free...but right now with money tight, we just have to do the best we can with a cheap bottle of wine and boggle.

I will take this morning to clean the bathroom, vacuum and do some laundry. I'll pump up my bicycle tyre, grab my endive recipe, go to the library, shop for groceries, cook dinner, and lovingly welcome Stephen home in my apron (don't be dirty! I'm talking fully clothed and wearing apron as if I've been cooking!) Stephen will then shove me aside when he sees there is cider, plonk himself down in front of the computer, and there you have it.

Sigh, housewives can be so under appreciated!

Stephen, I'm joking...

On a separate note, thanks for all of your book suggestions! Your response was overwhelming.

Oh! There is an urgent temp vacancy that needs to be filled as a sales admin./co-ordinator for which I have an interview on Mon afternoon.

I will brush up on interview techniques this weekend, b/c this job would pay well, and is just a few blocks away, for a multi-billion corperation! The contract would only be until Jan. so no undue pressure. Gee, I do hope this works out...

Have a good weekend all.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 9:35 AM BST
Updated: Saturday, 22 October 2005 9:37 AM BST
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