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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Sunday, 23 October 2005
Mood:  energetic
Now Playing: BBC4
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries

I love going running on Sunday mornings around 8-9am. It seems to be the only waking hour when there is nobody up and out. No cars, no pedestrians, no people raking leaves in their gardens gawping at the blond sweaty mess scarring their environment; no one is out (ok, I saw 2 people).

After all my endive/chickory blogging, when I got to Saisbury's they had sold out. The market didn't have any either. Sigh. Apologies for those of you who were desperately looking forward to how our chickory meal turned out. It will happen eventually.

And, my predictions for cleaning all day and being a housewife were also incorrect. Debbie collected me on her way to Aldershot to look at the market there. We wound our way through backroads, getting lost, etc... Finally at the market, it wasn't so hot, lots of cheap hamburgers, and two meat auctioneers...we didn't stay too long.

But I am continually bowled over by the surrounding countryside and the countless turn of the century large (enormous) brick houses that must cost upwards of 800,000 pounds.

In short, Surrey is beautfiful. It must be the endorphines typing.

Stephen's working again today, but maybe, maybe, he'll post a blog soon!

Posted by oz/rexcats at 9:15 AM BST
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