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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Monday, 24 October 2005
Just Stuff
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Stephen Says
It's very strange how, with E unemployed and me working, the blogging duites have been reversed. Ah well, my life the last few weeks has been pretty quiet as I just work, work, work.

That said, it's going very well and I'm pretty on the ball with it all. I've been taking care of things, organizing events, just a few things to take care of this week and then I'll be totally caught up and then I get a call yesterday and it turns out that my manager will be going over to another project for a few months and in all liklihood, I'll be getting this temporary promotion. Which will mean that my work-load will be trebled and I will be working some of the mad hours that I was working back when I started when we were totally understaffed.

Of course, there is a rumoured pay rise but I'm not getting my hopes up.

I don't know, other things? I went to see a soccer match at the local stadium (Again, work related) and I have to apologize to all our guests who have been to visit us that we never took you to one. Tres entertaining and a good laugh that'll only cost you 10 pounds. D'oh!

Um, what else? I can't really remember what I've been doing.

I guess that the final note of interest (Again work related because I no longer have a life separate fro those of the residents) is that I've been confirmed in post, which pretty much means that it's going to be very hard for me to lose my job. As a 'congratulations' for this, I was invited to sit in on an area meeting with all the managers of all the residences in this area and our area manager. After 3 hours, I was ready to stab my pen into my leg just for a taste of what life is like. By the time the meeting ended, after 5 hours of bickering, digressions, cigarette & coffee (tea) breaks, I wasn't able to string 2 words together.

And that's about it. I will be the representative for Together at the Woking Mental Health Fair at the H.G. Wells Centre coming up on November 16th so if you're interested & in the area, why don't you stop by.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 10:43 AM BST
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