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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Thursday, 27 October 2005
Forceable Entry
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries

I'm forcing myself to blog, as I'm a bit unfocused, but still want to try and keep up the posts even when I don't really feel like it.

"That's never a good reason to blog" someone is probably thinking. But who cares!

Stephen is sleeping-in tonight at work. So I'm all on my lonesome. He did stock the fridge before goin, and left a bottle of wine, bless him.

It turns out we've been scammed on our NTL Broadband deal...and I'll try and sort that out tomorrow. They said 9.99 for the first year, but have charge us over twice as much. Sacrilege!

Today was a good day at work...started making calls, putting more orders on, filing, sending out samples, and sending out invoices. Nothing to blink an eye at. The best part is I started at 9, had a good 30 min. lunch with Andy & another bloke, then worked until 4:45, and was told to go home.

We've been invited to the Xmas do on the 16th Dec, so that should be fun. Rumour is everyone gets blasted, as it should be.

Tomorrow morning I'll meet with HR to sort out payment, contracts...then it's one of the sales team lady's birthday so we'll go for lunch at a pub all together...yay! Oh...and Fridays are dress casual, and everyone usually leaves at 4:30. I can hardly believe this! It was not strange for people to stay until 6 or 8pm on a friday at my last job. I admit to having stayed until 7pm on a couple of occasions. But no more!

Also, now with a bit o' money, I'm going to finally take care of some beauty things...starting with a hair consultation to pick a new cut.

Tomorrow's Friday, so I wish you all a good one, and hope you partay it up this Halloween weekend.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 7:51 PM BST
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Friday, 28 October 2005 - 4:52 PM BST

Name: Stephen

That's never a good reason to blog.

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