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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Monday, 31 October 2005
It's Halloween and I'm Blogging
Mood:  mischievious
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries has been a while. Comparatively.

I hope you are all having/had a more exciting Halloween than I am/did. I can hear fireworks going off not too far away, and saw a band (probably Draven) tuning up in the town square as I got groceries after work. I remembered then that last year Stephen & I went out to see the teenage-crowded concert and enjoyed it. This year, I can't feel bothered to go, it's like Halloween is not really happening. But Stephen will be there with a couple of the residents tonight.

So this last weekend was the start of cleaning up my appearance for work, and I finally got a haircut. It's nice, but I've got to figure out how to tame it! On Sat. I went into Guildford for a birthday party, and went a bit early to do some serious shopping...only coming away with a pair of trousers. Stephen chastised me on Sunday because I am so silly about buying clothes that don't go with anything else. So he advised me on what to look for, came with me to the department store in Woking, and actually made suggestions as to which shirts I should try on...and I came away with 4 new tops, all of which go with other things I have. I never would have picked these out on my own. I'm also always wondering why people mistake Stephen for being gay.

But I win on both counts...a great personal shopper, and a great husband ;P (Sorry Stephen---you can edit this blog later if you like...)

So I went to a party, Stephen went to a different party, and who got blasted? Yup...but I managed to bike home from the station, and not remember the rest of the night. Stephen on the other hand drank responsibly and had a very good time.

Work's going well...I've started answering customer calls, and accidently disconnecting them instead of transferring...

I'm meeting more and more serious office people than I could ever dream of...and I don't dream of that.

Done the laundry, cooked a ratatouille, and hopefully will work on some theatre stuff. Tomorrow my plan is to wake at 7, go for a quick jog, shower, tame my hair (if possible), eat breakies, work, come home and crash.

Hope you all had a spooky one.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 8:35 PM GMT
Updated: Monday, 31 October 2005 8:54 PM GMT
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