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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Thursday, 3 November 2005
The Evening Post
Now Playing: BBC4
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries

I got home and panicked. Not job related this time...but because Stephen wasn't here. No messages on the phones, and his mobile was turned off.

Muggings, bombings, accidents...

Turns out he was in London having drinks with a girl. An old classmate. Training day my arse...

Even though I knew he was having a rendez-vous, why was he still out, and not contactable? It turns out Stephen was on his way home on the underground when I tried his he then called me and put me out of my misery after only 5 min. of Panick.

What's up with me? Protective, jealous, possessive, paranoid? Or just not used to breaks in routine?

No---I'm just a concerned and loving lovely wifie...

Anyway, today was a good day...another day in the deep-end at work as the two other sales people were out of the office, leaving me to figure things out...which is a good way to learn.

Friday is dress casual day & I'm looking forward to wearing flats for once!

I tried personalizing my desk a bit...I bought a little potted plant, brought in a little (non-Innova) photo frame, and a little trinket from Hong Kong. I'll slowly rearrange things to erase the previous users, and then, and only then will I feel properly settled in. Funny how territorial I am.

Anyway, looking forward to the weekend...I feel a winter clean is in order.


Posted by oz/rexcats at 6:14 PM GMT
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