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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Friday, 4 November 2005
Blah! Not enough coffee = grumpy blogging
Mood:  cheeky
Now Playing: Boards of Canada - Music Has the Right to Children
Topic: Stephen Says
I'm counting down the hours to a fun 25 hour shift at work. It's always like this when I have to pull this stunt: A bit of dread and then I show up and I feel more dread and then, by 9pm, I just want to kick all my co-workers out so that I can hang out with the residents & watch TV. The Hitcher is on tonight so Big Excitement there.

Then I get up tomorrow, stinking of cigarette smoke & eat a shitty breakfast and catch up on paper & course work all day while chatting to residents, before I slink out of the house at around 3 and head home to where there some chilled cans of cider waiting for me in the fridge and a nice hot shower.

And from there I have to fight the urge to get pissed because I've got to be back at work on Sunday morning at 8:30AM. But that's not a tough fight because I'm usually in bed by 9 o'clock, anyway and Sunday is fun because it mostly involves cooking a roast and watching TV shows for deaf people. Which is funny and sad all at the same time.

I'm constantly surprised by how much London sucks. Yesterday I had to get in there early for my course and I'm perpetually disgusted by the sad sack business men all doing work on their lap tops in the train, bustling into the tube station... honestly, it's like the 1930's movie Metropolis. And then, ass soon as you're on street level in the city, all these dopey zombies suddenly go into London mode and go whizzing all over the place, bumping into each other like a three year old with tunnel vision who hasn't taken his ritalin.

I had a good conversation about theatre in London but I just can't get excited about it. The city & it's mind-set ruins it for me. If I was God, I would spike London's water supply with horse tranquilizers.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 9:16 AM GMT
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