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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Sunday, 6 November 2005
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: BBC4
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
It is raining. The sky is grey. It is November in the UK.

Sunday morning Stephen is at work, I slept in. I tested my mettle and in shorts and t-shirt went for a run to see if I could stand running in the rain. It was surprisingly relaxing. And I now have no excuse in the mornings not to go running just because of the weather.

Saturday I woke up with cotton in my brain having thoroughly enjoyed my Bridget Jones Fri. night. I went into town, and what do you know? I ran into Stephen on his way to do the weekly grocery shopping for his residence. So I joined him, and witnessed the insanity that is Morissons & shopping on a shoestring for 8 people for a week. It was like shopping for an American family: crisps, ready-made meals, 5 gallons of milk, pork, vegetables, cereal, coffee, tea, etc...

I helped him pack the bags...full cart! And waited for the cab to collect him. Then into town I went and was harassed by an stallkeeper in the Italian market that was set up in the town square. I did buy a slice of nougat that sadly neither Stephen or I cared for, but ate all the same.

Today is chore day: laundry, vacuum, etc... BYE!

Posted by oz/rexcats at 11:22 AM GMT
Updated: Sunday, 6 November 2005 11:24 AM GMT
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