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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Sunday, 20 November 2005
Weekend Magic
Mood:  energetic
Now Playing: David Francey: Skating Rink
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries

As we approach the end of the month and the most important payday before Christmas, I feel a lot of anticipation in the air. Lots of Christmas drinking plans on both our work fronts, the League of Gentleman pantomime in a couple of weeks, delicious baked goods and cozy times in pubs with roaring fires. I think I love winter. This past week has brought Surrey and many parts of England its first frost. Every morning gives the appearance of a light snow as roof tiles and leaves are all etched in white frost. It was especially rewarding this morning when I forced myself to start running again (I had a holiday from exercise and moderate consumption of alcohol whilst Tim & Vicki were here). It was sharp and crisp air that was keeping my legs moving, let me tell you. But with the quiet Sunday morning streets shrouded in mist and frost, it was quite well worth it.

Had a good day on Friday on the training day to Saffron Walden. My co-worker and I had no problems getting the 6:32 train, and thought we had plenty of time to catch the train just after 8am from Victoria Stn in London. But as it happens, there was a cable fire at Clapham Junction and all train services in and out of Waterloo Station were cancelled. So we lost a lot of time waiting, busing to Wimbledon tube station, and transfering up Vicotoria. But once on the train and into Essex, my breath was taken away. Once out of Bethnel, Hackney, and the London sprawl, the countryside with its rolling hills, grazing cattle, inconspicuous spires piercing the horizon, and postcard villages was just stunning. Of course it helped that it was frosty again and the sky was a sparkling blue.

But I shouldn't have blown my appreciation just yet. We left public transport at a place called Audley End. We took a cab which drove us through more stunning rolling fields, and finaly I was defeated when we drove through Saffron Walden. WOW. I'm definetly bring Stephen back with me. Perfectly maintained old village with knooks and cranneys, inviting restaurants and pubs, with no sign of neon lights or pretentiousness. I'll just have to post pictures the next time we go.

The actual training was interesting and I feel much more confident about my job now that I know what the hell a flux and solder are! Also, I learned a lot about central heating systems and how easily they corrode and fail, in addition to how easily it is to prevent this by using the companies products. Yup, I'm a convert.

Instead of heading straight home, I walked around London a bit, bought a new journal, saw a free art exhibit in a brick vaulted rooms built underneath the bridge by Waterloo, and headed back to Woking where I ordered Chinese takeaway.

Here's a pretty bad snapshot of the moon in London on Fri. night:

Stephen is doing his super shift weekend so he was sleeping over at work on Friday and is working both Sat. & today.

So on Sat. I took 6 bags of unused clothing to Oxfam, did the shopping, went to the library and got a book on the history of Spain, in anticipation of our Feb. trip (hopefully to Spain). And frankly I feel quite satisfied.

Today, more chores, and trying to get out heating system to work. It's freezing in here!!!!

Posted by oz/rexcats at 9:27 AM GMT
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