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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Tuesday, 22 November 2005
Tonky Tuesday
Mood:  spacey
Now Playing: BBC4 -
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
What's going on eh?

Tonight I sit and eat pesto alone, as Stephen's working the evening shift. Last night we saw Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire...pretty good...long...and infects your dreams. Malfoy's such a loser.

Today I took the free Tuesday lunch bus into Woking town centre, mostly to post letters, partly just out of curiosity. The bus was full, and we had 40 min. to roam free in Woking. When I got to the post office, I discovered I had left home without my wallet. bummer. Only 3 pounds on me, need to buy lunch, and achieve some letter sending, or else my main reason for coming into Woking would be unfulfilled. What to do, what to do?

So I compromised and sent the most important letter. Then I realized I had my passport with me, and wasted 10 min. in the bank proving identiy. I got some cash (yay!), then on my way to Sainsburys, I was walking up some stairs and my heel caught the inside seam of my trousers and I completely fell onto the ground. Not very inconspicuous in the town square at lunch time. It may have looked something like this:

(Yes, that's Dubbya.)

Anyway, by the time I'd bought a sandwich & a jar of pesto, I had 1 min. to get back to the bus.

What a dork I felt.

Anyway, work's going really well. They've expressed a desire to keep me on, and told me not to worry about not being signed on after the temp. contract expires in Jan. And that's very reassuring.

So now I've got a few hours to chill out, and then go to bed early. Tomorrow my manager is picking me up at "half seven" to drive to the company's warehouse in Kent. Should be an interesting day.

Otherwise, nothing doing. I wish someone else had a blog I could read....anyone anyone?

Posted by oz/rexcats at 7:02 PM GMT
Updated: Tuesday, 22 November 2005 7:07 PM GMT
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