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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Tuesday, 22 November 2005
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: Fats Waller - something or other
Topic: Stephen Says
Well, it looks like I've been made deputy manager pretty much preminantly. Sorta. I think. I'm tired and I think I need some clarification, which I'll get soon enough. I'm holding off on the celebrations for the end of the week as I've got some annual leave coming up and the scope of my duties will be more clear in a few days.

Went to the Woking football match tonight and it was called off shortly after the start of the second half on account of fog.


You couldn't see 20 feet in front of you. The players would just sort of run into the mist and disappear and then the soccer ball would pop out in the direction of a very surprised goalie. It was like some crazy battle in an epic movie that's directed by Ridley Scott, with everyone at the stadium heckling the referee for being such a twit.

All kidding aside, it's pretty chilly here. They're even expecting snow at the end of the week. The best thing about the morning frost is that all the spiderwebs are coated in it and look like they're made out of silly string. But pretty. I keep on meaning to take pictures but mornings for me are pretty rough. I cannot function without at least 3 cups of coffee (Or Earl Grey, as that it my current obsession).

Got a 13 hour day that I put myself down for a month ago and forgot about but at least it'll allow me to get caught up on some things.

Oh, and only 11 days untill we see The League of Gentlemen live!!!

Posted by oz/rexcats at 10:34 PM GMT
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Wednesday, 23 November 2005 - 3:59 PM GMT

Name: Sean

I play hockey with our lab. When it is hot outside there is fog in the arena. You cant tell where the puck is.

Wednesday, 23 November 2005 - 9:54 PM GMT

Name: Stephen

When you can't find it, do you call out "Where the puck is it?"

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