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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Monday, 5 December 2005
A Blog Entry
Mood:  energetic
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries

So hey, wha'appened?

Last weekend Stephen & went into London to see the League of Gentlemen Are Behind You. First we clawed our way through the tube system to the Tate Britain for some exposure to the visual arts scene, and then ate dinner & drank coffee in Hammersmith until the show started.

ASIDE: The coffee shop was full except for 2 seats next to 2 ladies when we were ordering the coffee. I had the money so I asked Stephen to see if there was any place to sit. He comes back saying that the ladies told him that they didn't want him to sit there.

Ok. So after the coffees are poured into mugs & are paid for, Stephen says, why don't we get them to go, and find a place in the mall to sit?

I don't give up so easily my friends. So I went to see those two ladies (if you can really call them that) and asked if those two seats were taken: "Well...oh are you with that guy? Ok, ok then." I got the distinct impression they thought Stephen was a pervert and they didn't want him around. Now Stephen has a different interpretation, but I do have woman's least I think I do.... END

Ok so the League of Gentleman: I was very excited for this show. I decided to fork out the 10 pounds for the program, and was all set with pen & notebook poised to record the show...but when they came out on stage, I couldn't even make out their faces. This is due to my eyes being really bad, even with glasses, and that we were sitting way far back. So I really felt alientated and like it was a pointless exercise. I left wondering why I paid money to see the silouhettes of 3 actors I admire rehashing their old stuff. Not a very fun companion for Stephen, who doesn't have eye trouble.

But it must be said: their costume changes and physical changes of charactor, from their voice, speech, posture, etc... were phenominal. But I really thought that in a live experience, you'd get to see another side to them that you don't get from filmed performances. No so in my opinion, and so I am disappointed.

Anyway, as I said, Stephen liked it, and so did many other...

SUNDAY: We were both grumpy. Not much to say....

MONDAY: Stephen was at home...not blogging again!! and I worked.

That's all folks'

Posted by oz/rexcats at 7:20 PM GMT
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