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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Saturday, 17 December 2005
The Poop
Mood:  energetic
Now Playing: BBC4
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
Why does our blog have an advertisement for deodorizing your poop?

Last night I smoked too much, swore too much, and danced too much. BUT I managed my alcohol very well. So the office xmas party was very insightful & fun. People say they see me in a different light now...what? what did I do?

I had to call Stephen when I got in, and got a groggy hello at 1:30am...poor sod...had to sleep in at work last night.

Anyway---today is chore day...must get a move on.

}}}}}}}}}Later on{{{{{{{{{{

Back from chores. It's lovely sunny, brisk day and it's good to get fresh air.

Three things in particular have spiced up the day:

1. I got carded at Sainsbury's buying cider & wine.

2. There was a man on Oriental Road with his leaf blower who blew all the leaves from his driveway into a large pile on the road. Didn't bag. Nothing. Just a big pile of leaves on the road. I felt very lucky to be present as the first car drove through the pile & dispersed the leaves back to their original location, while in the process almost loosing sight of the road & swerving all over the place in order to find an end to the cloud of leaves they unwittingly stirred up.

3. On my return journey from the dry-cleaners, a car hit the sinking pothole on Oriental road that was filled with water. Splash and my leg's soaked. Luckily drycleaners have learned to cover the clean clothes with plastic.

Stephen'll be home soon & I've planned for an Italian night c/o Elizabeth David. We'll have Fennochio, radish & cucumber insalata, followed by Spaghetti all'olio, aglio e saetini with a side serving of spinaci con uvetta (spinach with sultana & pinenuts) more green olives with pimento & an olive pave.

So hopefully Stephen can relax this afternoon as tomorrow we're taking off on a trip to Dorset.

In regards to Extra Virgin Olive Oil---does anyone have a particular brand to recommend?

Posted by oz/rexcats at 8:15 AM GMT
Updated: Saturday, 17 December 2005 2:21 PM GMT
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Saturday, 17 December 2005 - 5:23 PM GMT

Name: Sean

You get adds based on the content in the blogs, you write a blog about steve installing a toilet seat and soon you get adds for toilet seats.

Saturday, 17 December 2005 - 6:02 PM GMT

Name: Stephen

Yeah, but it was for poop de-odorizer. My poop doesn't need de-odorizing. It smells beautiful. Like rain on fresh cut grass, like the first word your child speaks, like vanilla ice cream on apple pie.

Saturday, 17 December 2005 - 6:58 PM GMT

Name: The Wife

Keep dreaming.

Sunday, 18 December 2005 - 8:29 AM GMT

Name: Stephen

Like a wife who is not sarcastic.

Sunday, 18 December 2005 - 9:45 PM GMT

Name: Sean

Smelly poop is better than whats up there now!

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