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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Thursday, 22 December 2005
Mood:  irritated
Topic: Stephen Says
This'll surprise Elisabeth. I'm actually blogging.

Actually I'm doing because I'm so irritated right now that I can't go to bed, so I'm drinking a 35 pound bottle of wine E brought back from her night out with office people. This is the benefit of working at an office. Or at least being married to someone who works in an office. My irritation is work related but whatever - it's going to get sorted soon so it's only an ephemeral irritation.

I haven't done much blogging because I haven't been doing much of anything. So in lieu of something interesting to blog about here are my thoughts on 3 DVD's I bought the other day.

Groundhog Day: I've only seen this once before on TV but Elisabeth talks about it alot. It's actually quite good - a romantic comedy that's not cheezy and totally realistic. Well, except for the whole paranormal aspect. I mean, the romantic angle isn't forced down your throat like, say, a Tom Hanks movie. A tight script, Bill Murray plays Bill Murray, Andie MacDowell plays Andie MacDowell and it's directed by Egon from Ghostbusters. Not laugh out loud funny but 'oh, wasn't that clever' funny. The highlight: The groundhog's mouth in every scene that the groundhog's in.

Fletch: Chevy Chase. Every line that Chevy Chase says in this movie is hysterical. The trailer is laugh out loud hysterical and it doesn't even show the best parts. Hands down the funniest movie ever made (With Clue being a close second). There is nothing funnier than Fletch. The highlight: Every single line that Chevy Chase says.

Slap Shot: Best hockey movie ever. Best sports movie ever. It was made in 1977 and has the most foul swearing in it that you'll ever hear outside of an Eddie Murphy stand up routine. It's also got more realistic violence & gore than Saving Private Ryan. the highlight: The Hanson's beat the living daylights out of the opposing team. Before the national anthem. The lowlight: Paul Newman in a fur-lined brown leather coat.

Nope, still irate.

So, I've been reading books by Paul Pahulianichuckiwhateverthefuck. The guy who wrote Fight Club. Only problem is that the 2 books I've read by him read like their being narrated by exactly the same person: Ed Norton from Fight Club. More twists & turns than an M. Night Shammalammadingding movie (And more logical & sensible too!) but they still leave me feeling empty and, well, frankly, I just can barely care enough to just finish the books. By the way, the books I'm refering to are Choke (Guy pretends to choke on food to gain sympathy & money from strangers to keep his alzenheimer afflicted mother in hospital) and Invisible Monsters (Supermodel who has her face shot off goes on a road trip with a pre-operative transexual & her kidnapped boyfriend and they all steal drugs from rich people.)

Right now I'm reading Philip Roth's The Plot Against America. It was supposed to be the most important book published last year. So I'm reading it this year (How retro). Basically, I'm 15 pages in and he's just skewering the Republicans. Just 15 pages in and I reccomend it more that What's Up Chuck Paulachuck. But then again, Philip Roth did win the Pulitzer Prize...

Posted by oz/rexcats at 12:41 AM GMT
Updated: Thursday, 22 December 2005 7:43 AM GMT
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