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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Saturday, 24 December 2005
Update: Twas the Night Before Xmas
Stephen's at work. I tried cleaning the bathroom & whilst dislodging a chunk of dust from the extractor fan, it was sucked in, and the fan is silenced forever. And because the fan automatically switches on with the light, I'm afraid to turn on any lights. So candles galore are dotting the bath tub & sink. Stephen will be pleased. Oh jeez. New Year's resolution: call the landlord for repairs.

Meanwhile I took a bath by candelight..,very relaxing, highly recommended, & read a short story by Banana Yoshimoto. Now, I thought it would a bit like Haruki Murakami's Norweigian Wood, but it's a bit too bare and boring for me. Not bad, but not teethy enough.

I have since given up cleaning for the day, and have also decided not to go to the Christmas Eve service, partly because the Anglican church in the town centre, I discovered, does not have a midnight mass. So I've listened to BBC4 all day & have heard the King's Choir traditional Christmas Eve service & have had my share of Christmas jingles from internet radio.

So. I've eaten, and now I'll relax this evening. Perhaps finish reading Hamlet backwards.

Joy to the World!

Posted by oz/rexcats at 8:07 PM GMT
Updated: Saturday, 24 December 2005 8:09 PM GMT
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