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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Monday, 26 December 2005
This is what I did on Christmas
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Elisabeth playing excessively morbid union songs written by Brecht on the piano upstairs
Topic: Stephen Says
Arrived at work on the 24th at 2PM and all was quiet - everyone was jolly & in a good mood and looking forward to Christmas day. As my shift ended, everyone uncharacteristically went to bed early and so I meandered down to the sleep in room where I watched a DVD before turning in.

For dinner that night, I ate 1/2 a pizza. At midnight I was a tad peckish so I ate another 1/2 pizza. In the morning, I got up at seven and had 1/2 a pizza for breakfast. It's nice to know that even while working, I can keep my Christmas traditions alive.

So anyway, Sunday was spent pretty much just cooking. I was on shift with my Australian collegue and the two of us had to throw together a traditional English Christmas lunch for 14 (Though only 11 turned up). At 7:30 I had our 9KG turkey thrown into the oven. A tight squeeze, I was a bit nervous that it wouldn't even fit in the oven. 15 minutes after waking up, I was fisting the bloody thing, taking out it's giblets and, later that day, spent a good deal of time basting & probing it. I have never been as intimate with a piece of food as I was with this bird.

Here it is in the oven:

After that, the two of us prepared: Boiled carrots, roast potatoes, steamed broccoli & brussel sprouts, 2 different types of stuffing, gravy, honey roasted parsnips, a disasterous trifle that I had made the day before (With some assistance), a Christmas pudding (Well, I just boiled it for 3 hours) and assorted nibbles, juice, soft drinks and booze.

Everything was calm, cool & collected and I suspect that the 2 foreign men suitably impressed the English ladies who showed up at 2 o'clock only to see that the house was stress-free, kitchen was clean and there was no panicing.

So yep, everything was good. The residents told me that Elisabeth really should come because she shouldn't be spending Christmas on her own and, after the meal was done, E retired to the lounge to watch Singing in the Rain with everyone while we tidied up. Withness the destruction of the turkey:

All in all a very pleasant and Christmassy day. We retired home around 5is after I'd spent 27 at work. I'm off today and back to the project tomorrow; E continues her massive block of time off.

We've bought paints and blank canvases and will be painting tonight - sprucing up our flat with unique pieces of outside art. Unless we go out for a curry. But our energy is low & there's a bottle of champaign chilling in the fridge so who knows.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 4:17 PM GMT
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