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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Wednesday, 28 December 2005
Curry Capers
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries

For the first time in...? Stephen was up and out of the house before I could get myself out of bed. This is not a reflection on Stephen's habits, as he is like a boy scout when that alarm snooze buttons for that bloke...but rather that I'm finding the more sleep one gets, the more sleep one wants. There's nothing like 10 days with nothing to do!

So last night we went to Jaipur in Woking. I'm deliberately naming the restaurant so hopefully anyone curious about going to this restaurant and searching it on the internet will be able to read about our experience.

While the food was not bad, it was not exceptional. It felt very much like eating a British bastardization of curry, rather than an authentic specimen of Indian cooking. I think the fact the place was full of white people should have tipped us off. Anyway, this would have been fine and acceptable had the prices not been totally off the charts! I mean you think you're going to get what you paid for, but boy oh boy: 50 pounds for a vegetable biriyani, another veggie main dish, appetizers (veggie again), 2 beers, 2 coffees & 1 does that equal 50 smackers?

It's time to go back to L'Aroma with my tail between my legs.

Anyway, on a more serious note, below is a link to an article by George Monbiot which was published in the Guardian yesterday. The subject: Britain's secret holocausts. Wonderful seasonal material.

Today, more errands in town. The library is resuming normal hours, oh joy, and get some food for dinner.

That's all for now folks!

Posted by oz/rexcats at 10:34 AM GMT
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Wednesday, 28 December 2005 - 6:51 PM GMT

Name: Stephen

I don't know, I feel that I should object to that whole boyscout remark. And besides, it just means that I'm 1/2 asleep in the shower and borderline comatose while eating breakfast.

And yeah, last night's dinner was a real rip off. English curry's suck.

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