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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Thursday, 29 December 2005
Como Esta Usted? /How are you?
Mood:  hungry
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries

Barthelona...the thity of Gaudi & late thupperth.

I've been listening to a how-to-speak Spanish CD from the library, and honestly I had no idea Thpaniards lisp tho much!

Otherwise Stephen is at work, sleeping-in and won't grace the apt. with his presence until tomorrow afternoon.

I tried something new with avocados today:

1. Cut & pitt an avocado, drizzle a small amount of olive oil in the "natural well" then dump some freshly chopped cherry tomatos in there, and cover with cheese. I then baked this in the oven at a high temperature for a short period of time, but really I only did this because the avocado was too ripe & needed some softening up. Which it did, but it still wasn't very edible because it wasn't ripe to begin with. But the tomato & cheese part was nice.

2. Make some guacamole & on freshly sliced baguette layer on cheese & guacamole. Then broil for a few minutes so bread is just starting to crisp. The guac. tasted nice warm & the cheese had melted...

Not feeling enticed by the sales this year. I just want to go shopping when I need to go shopping...

Stephen on a wave of testosterone last night fixed the extractor fan & cleaned the dehumidifier's filter. So the apartment's airwaves are all clear.

To be honest for a second, I can't wait to get back to work! I'm getting really fed up with bumming around the house. I would go to London but they are doing engineering work on the rails between Woking & London & I frankly don't fancy the replacement bus service. So making lots of plans for what to do in the new year. Just discovered the Borough Market in London on the internet...the oldest food market in London...whee!

Hope everyone's gearing up for Saturday'll be a winner I just know it!

Posted by oz/rexcats at 4:28 PM GMT
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