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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Friday, 30 December 2005
Chilly Chilly Bang Bang
Mood:  cool
Now Playing: Chattering Teeth
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
Drafty pooh apartment! It's cold cold cold in here!

Mr. Dehumidifier isn't standing up to those "and it warms the apartment too!" claims.

At the moment I've got my woolly toque on, and waiting for Stephen to call...which he should have done .5 of an hour ago! The idea is we'll arrange to meet in town so we can grocery shop together, but I can't go into town until I know what time we're meeting, and where. Isn't this what mobile phones are for? Mine is on the blitz you see...

So I've run in the rain, made my first miso soup, played piano, read, etc...made an appointment for my first lip & chin wax tomorrow... I know I'm so blonde, but being a feminist (quasi or otherwise), I seem to have a healthy level of testosterone. I shall say no more, for your sake of course.

Oh, & I cleaned our water filter!

Now the big question is: What are we going to do this weekend? We have no plans and I'm already bored. So will it be DVDs? Board games? an excursion (not bloody likely), or some good old-fashioned tuning into the radio?

Ah! I know...we'll just get pissed drunk and make Mr. Men cupcakes...

Whatever we end up doing, you'll be the first to know.
Or the last to know. It's Stephen here and bloody algelfire isn't updating properly. This was supposed to have gone up yesterday. Moan.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 1:39 PM GMT
Updated: Saturday, 31 December 2005 10:48 AM GMT
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