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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Tuesday, 17 January 2006
General Update
Mood:  spacey
Now Playing: Steel Pole Bath Tub - Scars from Falling Down
Topic: Stephen Says
Ok, so the title of this entry says gereral update. So here it is because I've been thinking that I should blog but I haven't done because I'm lazy and prefer doing nothing at all on my days off.

The past week was my 'busy' week at work. I'd forgoteen how it works what with Christmas, New Years, etc. throwing the rota off and on top of it being my busy week, I took a bunch of overtime as well and was pretty exhausted by the time that yesterday came 'round. Otherwise, not much to say, really.

I meant to post this observation a week ago: On Monday last, I was walking; it was a cold & damp British morning, about 2 degrees and there was frost on the ground. And as I passed by this muddy little patch of earth, I saw that someone had actually laid grass seed. In the 1st week of January. Now, I thought that was pretty dumb but, as it turns out, later in the day it got mild & the gound un-froze. So maybe it makes sense, I don't know. My little obsession right now is to see if anything grows. To see if planting grass seed in the 1st week of January is ever a good idea.

We watched the movie The Corporation the other day, don't know if any of y'all have seen it. I think it's been out for a while but it takes leftie Canadian documentries a while to get across the Atlantic. We'll be buying the book soon as well. Anyway, E has convinced me that we need to be less corporate so we're looking into signing up for a plan where we'll get organic fruit & vegetables delivered to our flat every week. I'm a tad sceptical but who knows. It's cheap and looks professional.

We also saw Brokeback Mountain last night; I think I liked it more that Elisabeth but she was crying throughout the last part. This was a little awkward because she was the only one in the theatre doing this. Now, I'm not going to suggest that it's like this for Britain in general - I'm certain that Woking, beautiful Woking; Woking, bastion of culture is to blame for the rest of the audience's overall confusion and befuddlement at what they wee watching. And oh my God, how unfomfortable were they during the sex scenes? The girls next o E were actually sayig things like "No, don't do it!" I really had to wonder if the majority of the people there knew what they were about to see when they bought tickets for it.

A funny thing: A bunch of old ladies who had seen the early show complained that the volume was turned off in the theatre. I suspect they were just confused by the fact that the main cowboy just mumbled alot.

Another funny thing: It's not about gay cowboys at all but gay shepards. Although I understand why they didn't go with that line of advertising.

E had a good time up in Stratford upon Avon over the weekend but I suspect that she'll be blogging this evening. I'm working late and, with luck, will be going to see Woking FC play tonight. Go Cards!

Posted by oz/rexcats at 9:21 AM GMT
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Tuesday, 17 January 2006 - 2:54 PM GMT

Name: Sean

Getting fruits and vegetables is good, then you will always have fresh stuff to eat. Although I don't know how "organic" it can be in the middle of the winter. Depends on your definition of organic. These could be organically hydroponically grown.

Tuesday, 17 January 2006 - 6:20 PM GMT

Name: Elisabeth

Check it:

They source as locally as possible, but do import from warmer climates: by sea freight only & all vans are driven on bio-fuel etc...

Yay for Cheese!

Tuesday, 17 January 2006 - 10:15 PM GMT

Name: Stephen

And besides, this is ENGLAND. During the middle of the winter it's 10 FREAKING DEGREES and THEY PLANT GRASS SEED.

Tuesday, 17 January 2006 - 10:16 PM GMT

Name: Stephen

Cheese rocks!

Sunday, 5 February 2006 - 3:40 AM GMT

Name: jennifer perez
Home Page: http://stephen

i think this story is good

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